Sunday, 15 March 2015


Dear 12 year old Me,

I’m not sure where this is going to go, but first off well done. You have just moved away from some of the most negative people in your life and I promise that will do nothing to you but make your life better.

I know these past few years have been hard, and it feels like the world is against you- but, I promise you, it’s not. You are still so young and have so much to learn before you will truly appreciate the life you have, and that isn’t your fault.

You are going through one of the darkest times I’ve seen you in and although I can’t promise you it’s going to get better anytime soon, I promise you that one day it will. And when it does, things will be so great that you almost forget how bad you felt in the past. The only thing that I can give to you now is some words of advice:

Firstly, you think you know everything- you don’t. Accept when you are wrong and learn from your mistakes. It’s the only way you will grow.

You’re going to go through some things in the next few years that you shouldn’t have to deal with at such a young age. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support, and definitely do not deny those things to the people who ask for them. The people you surround yourself with now will be with you for years to come, through the worst of times and the best.

You are going to meet some truly amazing people in a couple of years. Plan ahead and don’t build your walls up so high; it’ll save you a lot of time and will help you to make some of the best friends you could ever imagine having.

Don’t be afraid to sever some ties. Some of the people you are surrounding yourself with are holding you back and making your journey a hundred times harder. Don’t be ashamed to let go of relationships that aren’t good for you.

Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You are your own biggest critic and trust me when I say that in the long run, the things you are stressed out about now will have no impact on you in a few year time. It’s okay to be a perfectionist, but perfection isn’t always necessary.

Put faith in something, a huge wait will be lifted from your shoulders when you realise that there is something greater having an influence on your life. You may not believe in God, but believe in a higher power- even if it is as simple as fate.

Practice your art more. Don’t quit your music lessons. Do another play. Don’t let that passion fade away.

Love yourself. Your life is much too busy to waste time looking at your imperfections. You will still see them in the mirror for years to come, but there are so many other things you could be doing instead of wasting time hating yourself.

Spend more time with your family and your friends. I know you would rather spend your time alone, but trust me- you can’t make amazing memories to look back on if you never leave your room.

Hold on to that fire you have- it’s one of the best things about you. You may be stubborn and impatient and having that fire burning in you may mean that you’re a little too argumentative - but that fire is also the fuel for your passion and that stubbornness will get you to some pretty great places.

Stop swimming oceans for people who wouldn’t step over a puddle for you. This is one of your worst features. You may think it will aid you in building and holding on to relationships; but all it really does is make people think that they can walk all over you.

Say ‘Yes’ to more things. Some of the opportunities that you are offered will give you the chance to make some amazing memories and to have some great experiences. Some of your biggest regrets will come from being too afraid to take a chance.

And finally, don’t push people away. Things are going to get harder before they get better, you are going to need as many people fighting in your corner as you can get.

16 year old You
