Monday, 23 February 2015

Drunk Words

People underestimate the truth behind the statements a drunk person comes out with. They assume that because a person has had one too many drinks, that a person’s thoughts become less genuine- that they’re just another side effect of the alcohol. But that’s not always the case.

Sure, alcohol removes the filter between a person’s brain and a person’s mouth does mean that they tend to talk crap, but that also means that they are also likely to say the things that they’re too afraid to say sober. I've seen people reveal their deepest secrets, confess their feelings for someone and make life changing decisions, all whilst they were intoxicated. When the rooms spinning, it’s a bit difficult to concentrate on what comes out of your mouth. There are no boundaries when you've had a drink, no fear, no anxiety; it’s a blessing and a curse.

They may be honest, but a drunk person also forgets why they were hiding things in the first place- sometimes they tell secrets that aren't there’s to give away or say things better left unsaid. They forget what they say has an impact on whoever may be listening- whether it means that they get hurt or they are just left with a big secret to keep. Drunken words can be dangerous- there’s a lot of power in the thoughts of a drunk person, once that filter has been taken away, only the truth is left.

Alcohol may have its setbacks, the morning after sucks and it has the capability to ruin a life- but you must admit, it’s the perfect way to find out the truth. 

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