Monday, 24 August 2015

Tips for the Newbies

As the classic British weather finally catches up to us and Sainsbury’s has pulled out all of it’s ‘Back To School’ signage I thought it was the perfect time to share some of my tips for those of you starting your first year of college (as in the UK’s education system, the awkward two years in between High School and University). Now I’m sorry to be the rain in your summer break but September is nearly here which means it’s time to start awakening from your current summer-induced lethargic state and start getting ready to learn. College is a difficult place, there is no easy way around that- whether you’re doing A-Level’s or BTEC’s- however I hope by compiling this little list of tips and lessons I picked up in my first year, you will be able to avoid some of the mistakes that I made.

1 1)      Despite what everyone around you is telling you, you do not have to get a job (unless your circumstances are more complicated than the common reasoning for part-time work). To be blunt, all of the work you will have to do in order to do well will be stressful and time consuming enough so avoid getting a job that will mean you have no time left for leisure and completing work outside of college- a few quid extra to spend is not worth all of the additional stress you will be adding to your plate.  

2 2)      Be organised. Take yourself stationary shopping before college starts and get prepared. One of my biggest mistakes was not clearly organising and preparing notes for revision, which made exam preparation even harder. Plus a gel pen can make even the most boring essay that little bit more bearable- I promise that.

3 3)      Meet new people and make friends. Everyone is going to be a bit unsettled in that first week which makes it a perfect time to meet a new friend and expand your social circle- sit by someone you don’t know and strike up a conversation in class and see where it goes.

4 4)      Similar to number 3 try to become introduced and comfortable with a majority if not all of your class groups. This will create a sense of community and make even the most boring subject material more entertaining. Plus then when it comes to exams that community will pay off resulting in study groups and shared revision materials.

5 5)      DO NOT GO ON A NIGHT OUT IF YOU HAVE COLLEGE OR WORK THE NEXT DAY! I have made this mistake too many times and hated myself for it.

6 6)      When exam season comes around no one will judge you for looking awful on exam days- I went to my Literature exam with two hours of sleep, no makeup and greasy whilst essentially wearing pyjamas. All that happened was a few friends hugged me, I was offered a coffee and a couple of people I didn’t really know gave me a smile and told me they were feeling the same way.

7 7)      Don’t be an arsehole to teachers or other people in your class. You will just get less support when you need it- plus no one wants to be friends with a dick.

8 8)      Eyeliner and coffee make everything better.

9 9)      Use free periods to do homework; revise etc. Your grades will thank you for it and it will leave you evenings and weekends free for other things like jobs, dating and friends.

1 10)   Parties are fun whether you want to drink, do drugs etc or not (not promoting any of this behaviour by the way). Just be careful and don’t put anything online that you wouldn’t want your Nana to see.  

1 11)   Tutors are a gift from the Gods of Further Education. Utilise them.

1 12)   There are things and people that will come into your life that you didn’t even know you needed until you had them (Thank Hope for that philosophical gem)

1 13)   Always have spare sanitary towels/tampons- whether you need them or not, chances are a friend will.
1 14)   Find a hobby- something productive and fun for in your down time. It will stop you from going crazy.

1 15)   Life is more enjoyable when you spend it being less judgmental and pessimistic. It’s not cool to hate everything, it’s boring.

1 16)   In this next year you are going to grow so much that you won’t recognise yourself as the same person in a year. Your friend group, the way you look, your goals and aspirations, your interests, your habits are just a few of the things that will change; this all completely fine and natural and just a part of growing up. Just try to grow into a good person and the rest will all be golden. I know I changed completely and I believe it was at least mostly for the better.

1 17)   Friends are not better just because you have known them longer.

1 18)   Spend less time worrying about what others think of you; it’s easier and more productive to use that time for your work and making positive changes to the way you see yourself.

1 19)   Amazon Prime and a library card will save you a fortune on required/additional reading.

2 20)   Spotify and 8tracks will get you through revision and homework.

2 21)   Take a water bottle and snacks. You will thank me.

And finally...

2 22)    Do not stress yourself out too much- you will just make yourself physically, emotionally and mentally ill. Your health should always come first so take time to look after yourself.

Good luck for college and I’ll post again ASAP I promise.  

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